Tagged: free website traffic

Best Free Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketing 2020 | Free Traffic Method 12

Free Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketing :

Best Free Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketing

No matter how good your website is, without enough traffic it will fail. It doesn’t matter how compelling your offer is, if your stats counter is like Tombstone before the outlaws ride in, you are just wasting your time and money putting the website up in the first place.

The good news is there are so many different ways of generating traffic now, you’re bound to find at least one that does the job for you. Hold on to your hat; you’re in for quite a ride!

Free or Paid Traffic – which is best for you!

I want to explain the key differences between free and paid traffic. Both are important weapons to keep in your traffic generation arsenal. Both have their pros and cons.

Let’s start with paid traffic…

It’s often said that you get what you pay for, and when you pay for traffic you can get it in abundance. I suppose the main advantage of paid traffic is you can start getting visitors instantly. It’s just like flipping a switch. You’ll know exactly how much traffic you’re getting because (with most methods) you pay for each and every visitor. That means you can test your website’s conversion rate and tweak it right away. If your website has a pretty lousy conversion rate, you can pause the traffic while you make adjustments, then start it up again.

The downside to paid traffic is, of course, the cost. Sometimes you have to pay for traffic up-front, meaning that if your website isn’t converting well, it can be money down the drain. Even if your site is converting well, you need to have enough capital or credit to finance your campaign before the money starts rolling in. Some forms of paid traffic can be highly competitive, too. You may find yourself competing against large corporations with highly paid advertising agencies and million-dollar budgets.

All this might make you decide to opt for free traffic instead. Getting to the top spot on Google will mean that people see your site first. As long as it stays there, the traffic will keep rolling in.

However, there is a catch…

It generally takes time to achieve results. Oftentimes free traffic isn’t really free. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that “free” traffic is a myth. Even if it doesn’t cost you any money upfront, it costs time (yours or someone else’s). If you’re having to pay somebody to generate this “free” traffic, it’s not really free.

Here are some popular sources of free traffic!

Like I said, it can take time (and sometimes a little money) to get traffic this way, but it’s worthwhile. I want to talk about free traffic methods now, and I’ll cover some paid-for methods later.

When people think about “free” traffic, the most popular source that comes to mind is getting a high ranking on Google and other search engines. This is achieved via search engine optimization (SEO). This is where you make your website attractive to the search engines so they’ll rank it highly. To be honest, I’ve always regarded SEO as a bit of a “dark art”. As Google and the other search engines change their algorithms regularly, you’re better off hiring an SEO expert to do the job instead of doing it yourself. Not exactly free, but cheap in the long run.

Another way to get free (or at least cheap) traffic is to simply ask for referrals. Ask your existing customers to recommend you to a friend, and offer them an inducement – such as a product with a low cost but high perceived value, or a discount voucher against future purchases – to encourage them. Again, this isn’t 100% free, and you have to already be getting some traffic and sales, but when that traffic comes with a recommendation, it means the customer is more likely to make a purchase.

One method that is completely free (in financial terms, anyway) is guest blogging. Here you find a popular blog in your niche, contact the owner and offer to write an article for them (gratis) in return for a link back to your site. This is a win-win situation for everybody. The site owner gets a blog post they don’t have to write, and you get credibility and traffic by being associated with an “authority” blog.

Some popular sources of paid traffic!

Now! I want to tell you about some popular sources of paid traffic. Note that “paid” doesn’t necessarily mean expensive; in fact, if you play your cards right, the cost could be measured in pennies!

Probably the most popular type of paid traffic comes from Google Ads. This used to be called Google AdWords and are (basically) those want-ad style advertisements you see at the top and down the right-hand side of the search results in Google.

This type of advertising is known as Pay-Per-Click (PPC). As the name would imply, this means that you only pay when somebody clicks the link in the ad that takes them to your website. If nobody clicks, you don’t pay anything. Exactly how much you DO pay depends on how competitive the search term (or “keyword”) is. The more popular the keyword, the more expensive each click will be.

Facebook Ads are another great way of getting paid traffic. They are PPC like Google Ads and work in a similar way, appearing on potential customers Facebook Timelines.

There is, however, one key difference between Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

Because Facebook collects so much information about each Facebook user, you are able to get really specific about who sees your ad. Not only does this mean that potential customers are more likely to click on your ad, but (provided your website converts well) they are much more likely to make a purchase. In the early days you can use Facebook Ads to tweak your site copy and get your conversion rates up because you’ll know for certain that only people from your target audience are visiting your site.

Finally, there are solo mailings. These work in a similar way to guest blog posts, but here you pay a mailing list owner (more about that tomorrow) to send your article directly to their list members’ inboxes. Just like with Facebook Ads, you can be sure only potential customers visit your site from such a mailing.

The money’s in the list!

Earlier I touched on mailing lists, and today I want to delve a bit more into this subject because your mailing list can be the most important weapon in your traffic generating armory. In fact, it’s no exaggeration to say that your mailing list could go on to be your business’s most valuable asset.

Let me explain…

It doesn’t matter how hard you try; you’re never going to get a 100% conversion rate for your website. It just doesn’t happen. Some people will visit your website, take a look around and then click away. Unless you give them a reason to return, they’ll likely never come back again.

The same goes for people who DO make a purchase. Even if they’re satisfied with the purchase, chances are they won’t come back and buy anything else from you – unless you remind them.

This is the key!

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Out of sight, out of mind”. With a mailing list you can remind people about who you are. You can e-mail them useful information to establish your credibility as an authority in your niche. Perhaps most importantly, you can notify them about new products or services. This means you can encourage them to visit your website over and over again – even when they weren’t planning on doing so. Instant recurring traffic!

In case you’re thinking: Sending out all those e-mails is going to be a real hassle! Let me reassure you that’s not the case. You can use services called autoresponders to automate the entire process.

Get sociable, get traffic!

Now Let’s talk to you about why you should be using social media to get traffic to your website. According to Pew Research Center, today more than seven-in-ten Americans use social media to connect with one another, engage with news content, share information and entertain themselves.

Just take a moment to let that fact sink in…

A whopping 72% of people in the United States connect with social media. That rises to nearly 90% of people in the 18-29 age demographic.

That means if you want to get noticed, you MUST be on social media. We’re talking platforms like:






And so on…

Probably the easiest social media to start with is Twitter. These short messages of up to 280 characters grab peoples’ attention. They don’t take long to read. They don’t take long to write, either! This means you can stay active, build a following and share information every day without it taking up too much of your time. If your tweet is interesting enough, your followers may re-tweet it to their followers spreading your message far and wide. This can encourage people who may not have heard of you, or would not be otherwise inclined to visit your site, to stop by and check you out.

If you have a WordPress blog, you can get a plugin that puts your most recent tweets in the sidebar. This counts as new content for SEO purposes and can help your rankings on Google and other search engines.

If your site is more visual than wordy, consider Pinterest or Instagram as your preferred social media. Both allow you to share photos and memes. Like Twitter your followers can re-share them with their followers. If an image “goes viral” it can spread across the globe very quickly.

That’s one pandemic I don’t mind getting caught up in!

Make Facebook your secret weapon!

Most people have heard of Facebook. Millions of people are on Facebook – perhaps you’re one of them.

The thing is, though…

Not many people realize the full potential Facebook has to drive traffic to their websites. People check their Facebook page and sometimes share stuff with others, but you can do WAY more than that.

For example, have you heard of Facebook Groups?

As part of a Facebook Group you can share information about common interests and express your opinion. They allow people to come together around a common cause, issue or activity. You can organize, express objectives, discuss issues, post photos, and share related content.

You could participate in a Facebook Community. This is a Facebook page dedicated to a topic or experience and is owned collectively by the community connected to it. Just like Facebook Groups, a Facebook Community lets you connect with others who share similar interests and experiences.

Alternatively, you could participate in a Facebook Forum. A Facebook Forum is a bit like a regular online forum. If you have ever used one, you’ll already know how useful they can be to everyone. You can use a Facebook forum to discuss topics, ask questions or provide answers.

All this brings you to the attention of a lot more people than you would normally interact with – your Facebook friends etc.

Are you starting to see the potential here?

The trick is to build your authority by sharing your tips so people will get to know, like, and trust you. Just ignite their curiosity and that will lead them to your website.

Within the confines of this short e-course I’ve only been able to scratch the surface of this fascinating subject.

To your success with Free Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketing!

10 Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website 1

Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website

You Need More Website Traffic, Right!   here are 10 Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website

  • In the movie Field of Dreams, an ethereal voice tells Kevin Costner that if he builds a baseball field, people will come to it. Unfortunately, the same is not true of your website. Just because you build it doesn’t mean people will come. Having a website doesn’t guarantee that people will visit it.
  • It’s crucial to create a proven strategy to get more web traffic, with tested methods for generating a steady stream of website visitors. You need tactics and hacks for getting people to visit your site and engage with your content.
  • The more people come to your site, the more people become aware of the great content you create. The more people become aware of your great content, the more you become known as an industry expert and thought leader. And the more you’re known as an industry expert, the more people will come to you for help.
  • Of course, all this raises the question: how do you get more website traffic? Luckily, here you’ll discover 10 proven strategies for getting hundreds, if not thousands, of website visitors.
  • It’s important to avoid jumping from strategy to strategy without giving much time to each one. Each of these strategies requires significant time and effort to execute properly. Work is required if you want to see results.
  • Have a long-haul mentality when thinking about getting traffic to your website. As you stack one strategy on top of another, you’ll begin to see compounding results.

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Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website #1: Create Amazing, Share-Worthy Content    

  • If you want people to come to your website, you need to give them a reason to come. You need to create awesome content that attracts people and that they feel compelled to share with others. If you simply post short, uninspired articles, you’re not giving people much reason to come to your site or share your content.
  • For your best results, consider how you’re going to stand out from the crowd. How can you create content in a way that differentiates you from everyone else?
  • The best way to stand out from the crowd is to create highly valuable, in-depth content. Content that answers people’s questions and speaks to their pain points. Content that addresses a subject on a much deeper level than anything else out there.
  • When creating content, ask yourself these questions:
  • Would I want to read this content?
  • Does this add value to my readers?
  • Is this share-worthy?
  • Is this different from all the other content that’s being produced?
  • Does this content answer the reader’s questions?
  • Does it speak the reader’s pain points?
  • If you create great content, the rest of your promotional tactics become that much easier. Your content will practically promote itself when people see how valuable it is. People want to share content that is valuable and if you create valuable content, others will promote it for you.

Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website #2: Share Your Content On Social Media

  • Share your content multiple times across all your social media profiles. Why should you share your content multiple times? Because not every one of your followers will see every one of your posts. Sharing multiple times maximizes the chances of your followers seeing your social media posts.
  • When you share your content on social media, think about what format works best for each platform. For example, Pinterest is very image heavy. When you share a blog post to Pinterest, consider creating a specific accompanying image that fits the Pinterest platform.
  • Also, consider sharing different types of formats on social media. For example, Facebook likes to keep people on their site as long as possible and video content helps them do that (since people will give more of their attention to videos).
    • Facebook tends to push video content higher up in the social media feeds, giving it more exposure. This means you should consider using video to promote the content you create on your website.
  • When using social media, don’t be afraid to experiment with different content formats to see what works best on different platforms. Try sharing links, images, videos, polls, and more to see what drives the most people to your website.
  • You can breathe new life into old pieces of content by re-sharing them on social media a while after they’re first published. Sharing content more than once will generate more clicks, visits, and shares.

Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website #3: Build Your Email List

  • Having an email list is like having your own traffic source. Each time you publish something new on your website, send a link out to your email list and watch the visitors come flooding in.
  • Probably the most effective way to build your email list is by giving away something in exchange for people’s email address. The giveaway, called a “lead magnet,” is a piece of valuable content that readers can download once they hand over their email address.
  • For example, you may give away:
  • Whitepapers
  • Ebooks
  • Case studies
  • Videos
  • Free email courses
  • Templates
  • Webinars
  • Premium content
  • Another effective way to build your email list is by implementing opt-in forms in various places across your website. For example, whenever someone first visits your site, you could have a box pop up inviting them to sign up for your email list.
  • When inviting people to sign up for your email list, give them a compelling reason to sign up. In other words, don’t simply say, “Sign up for my list!” Instead, tell people what they’ll get in exchange for signing up for your list.



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Traffic Strategy #4: Guest Posting

  • If you’re like most people, you probably won’t have much of an audience when you first get started creating content on your website. That’s okay and should be expected! After all, it takes time to build an audience.
  • Guest posting on someone else’s website allows you to tap into another person’s audience. Guest posting allows you to get your outstanding work in front of an audience that’s much larger than your own, which increases your exposure and allows you to drive traffic back to your own website.
  • The most common way to secure guest posting gigs is to research blogs that are in your niche and then contact them, asking them if they accept guest posts. One thing to keep in mind when reaching out to these blogs is that they probably get these kinds of requests quite regularly.
  • If you want to stand out and have the opportunity to post on someone else’s blog, you’ll need to be unique in your pitch. In other words, you’ll need to be able to offer unique value to the other person’s audience.
  • So, what can you uniquely offer in your pitch that will set you apart?
  • Years of expertise?
  • A different/fresh perspective?
  • Research on a particular subject?
  • An insider’s opinion?
  • In your pitch to the blog, talk about what you have to offer and even suggest a few topics that you might be able to write about. Ensure that you focus on how you’ll benefit their
  • If a post is published, link to it across your various social media networks. That way you benefit the owner of the website on which the guest post appears as well as yourself.

Traffic Strategy #5: Participate In Online Forums

This is one of the most powerful Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website

  • Online forums like Quora and Reddit, as well as Facebook and LinkedIn groups, can be great sources of traffic for your website. There are forums and groups out there for almost every subject imaginable, and you can be sure that people are looking for the kind of information that you can provide.
  • Forums and social media groups tend to be different than standard social media sites. You can’t simply share links to them and expect people to go to your website. In fact, if all you do is share links in online forums and social media groups, there’s a good chance that you’ll get the boot.
  • First and foremost, members of these sites want you to add value directly to the group, not just through your website. In other words, they want you to participate in the conversation that is happening in the group itself, not simply spam the group with links.
  • So, answer people’s questions, contribute your own thoughts, and ask questions in these groups. Before you share any links to your own site, participate in numerous conversations.

Traffic Strategy #6: Reference Others

  • If you can get an influencer in your industry — someone with a large audience — to share your content with their audience, it can be a huge boost for your website. But this is easier said than done, right? After all, how do you convince someone else that your content is worth sharing?
  • One of the most effective strategies for getting others to share your content is to quote or reference them.
    • For example, let’s say you’re writing a lengthy guide to email marketing. You could email a number of email marketing specialists and ask them for a quote for the piece.
    • Once you’ve written the guide, tell all the people you’ve quoted in the article. There’s a good chance that they’ll share your piece with their audience.
  • A simpler way to get quotes from influencers is to take something they’ve already written and quote them. Then, you can reach out to them via email or social media and let them know that you’ve quoted them. Again, there’s a decent chance they’ll share it with their audience.
  • A secondary benefit of quoting influencers and authority figures in your pieces is that it adds expertise to your content. Rather than just being your own opinion, your content also includes the thoughts and insights of industry experts, thus giving more weight to your content.

Traffic Strategy #7: Collaborate With Other Content Creators

  • Always be on the lookout for ways to collaborate with other website owners and content creators. By collaborating, you get to benefit from their audience, and you can share your audience with them.
  • A simple example of collaborating with another website is to do a guest post swap. You post on their website and they post on yours. But it doesn’t have to stop there. You could appear on someone else’s podcast and then you could promote that podcast on your website.
  • The key to collaboration is being able to bring value to the other person. If you can bring value, even if that’s just sharing your audience with them, there’s a much greater chance that they’ll want to collaborate with you.
    • When you reach out to someone regarding a collaboration, make it crystal clear how you will add value to them.

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Traffic Strategy #8: Advertise

  • Advertising on Facebook, Google, or other social media platforms (like LinkedIn) is one of the most effective ways to get traffic directly to your website. Yes, it does cost money (unlike the other strategies listed so far). But if you’re willing to spend the money, you can get an avalanche of traffic to your site.
  • Facebook and Google are huge. Billions of people use both websites each month. It’s an enormous audience, and if you’re willing to put some money into advertising, Google and Facebook will share their audience with you.
  • There is one distinct advantage to paid advertising above other forms of promotion: paid advertising allows you to put your content in front of a very specific audience.
    • For example, let’s say that you’ve created a guide to preparing for retirement. The ideal audience for this guide is people over the age of 45 who make more than $70,000 per year and who are married. With Facebook, you can target this precise audience.
  • Instead of sharing your content across your social media feeds and hoping that the right people see it, you can ENSURE that the right audience views your content. You can get your content in front of the people most likely to be interested in it and your business.



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Traffic Strategy #9: Comment On Blogs

  • In addition to your own website, there are thousands of other industry-related sites out there that are publishing great content on a regular basis. Choose a number of these blogs to regularly comment on.
  • By commenting on these blogs consistently, you’ll begin to establish yourself as a presence in your industry.
  • When commenting on blogs, have the same mindset as when you comment in online forums. Your goal is not simply to share a link back to your website, but to participate in their conversations. With each comment, you’ll want to add value to the conversation.
  • It’s important to note that the blogs you comment on should all be related in some way to your industry. A comment on a New York Times story may get a lot of eyeballs, but most of the people who see it won’t be interested in what you have to offer on your website.
  • It’s true that this strategy builds traction slowly. But the more you comment on other blogs, the more people will begin to recognize your name. And if you’re adding large amounts of value to the conversation, more and more people will begin to respect you as an expert in your industry.

Traffic Strategy #10: Create Various Forms Of Content

  • People learn in a variety of ways. Some people are visual learners and learn best from videos. Others learn best by reading, and still others prefer audio content. If you want to connect with the greatest number of people possible, create content in a variety of formats.
  • One of the best ways to create a variety of formats of content is to use the “pillar strategy.” The pillar strategy involves first creating a lengthy, in-depth piece of “pillar” content. This pillar content could be a video, blog post, podcast, or something else.
  • Your pillar content will be the longest type of content you create and will talk about a subject from a variety of angles and viewpoints. From there, you take the pillar content and slice it up into smaller pieces of relevant content that all stand on their own.
  • For example, let’s say you created a lengthy pillar blog post. You could then:
  • Take one point from that blog post and turn it into a short video
  • Take another point from the blog post and turn it into a short podcast
  • Take a third point from the blog post and turn it into a series of social media posts
  • Each piece of content should point back to your website in some way. So, for example, at the end of your video, you could direct people to your website for more valuable content.

This Was

Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website

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