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Best Email Copywriting Tips 101 0

Best Email Marketing and Email Copywriting Tips – Emails Are Easy, Right?

Writing emails is easy, right? You just sit down, put in a quick subject line, bang out the body text, and hit send. It only takes a few seconds and doesn’t require that much thought.

While that may be true for the email that you’re sending to your best friend about your fantasy football league, that strategy doesn’t work for business and marketing emails.

Put simply, the business and marketing emails that get the best response are those that have been carefully, even lovingly, crafted.

Much thought has been put into them and they don’t get sent until they’re nearly perfect. The emails are personalized, relevant, and get the reader to take action.

Not so easy, right? It’s even a little intimidating. How can you know what makes for a great subject line and compelling body copy? Should your emails be brief or long? Should the subject line be simple and to the point or more creative?

That’s where we come in. In this eBook, you’ll discover the most effective principles of email copywriting. We’re going to talk about:

  • How to get inside the mind of your reader
  • How to craft the perfect subject line
  • How to create compelling body copy that gets readers to take action
  • How to personalize your emails
  • And more

By the end of this book, you’ll have a solid grasp on how to write outstanding emails that actually get results.


Let’s dive in.

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The Ultimate Goal Of Every Email

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of how to write killer emails, we need to first talk about the goal of every email you send.

Ultimately, your goal is to be engaging.

You want your emails to get the reader to do something, whether that’s reply, click a button, or something else. When it comes to business and marketing emails, you’re not sending them just for the purpose of keeping up with people.

 You want the reader to take action.

 First, you want the reader to open the email. That’s why you need to work hard on your subject lines.

 Then, you want the reader to actually read the email itself. This is why you must work hard to craft the body of your copy.

 Finally, you want the reader to take action, which is why you need a strong, compelling call-to-action with every email.

 We’ll talk more about each of these in detail, but it’s critical to get these things clear up front.

See, here’s the thing…

 Email is a two-way communication tool. Even if you’re emailing a large list, you want your readers to engage with your emails. You want them to feel as if you’re talking to them individually, not just blasting out an email to a large list.

 If you can’t get people to open your emails and read them, then ultimately you can’t make sense to your audience.

 As you read the rest of this eBook, keep this fundamental point in mind. It’s easy to get lost in the details and forget that the main point of your emails is engagement.

Step #1: Get Into The Mind Of Your Reader

First and foremost, it’s essential to get inside the mind of your reader. Most people don’t even take the time to consider the psychology of their readers. Rather, they simply dive right into their email, hoping that if they send out a large volume of emails they’ll generate at least some sort of response.

This is an ineffective technique. Remember, there are real people at the end of your emails. When you send an email without considering what your reader is thinking, you risk coming off as spammy.

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So how do you get into the mind of your prospect?

First, keep in mind that you’re ultimately trying to convince an individual. A person is reading your email, and most people make decisions based on emotion, not logic.

When writing your emails, consider the emotional state of your prospects. What are their hopes, dreams, fears, and struggles?

Tap into those things. Help them see why working with you will alleviate their greatest struggles and fears, as well as help them achieve their goals.

Second, consider when you send the email. How does your prospect typically work? Are they the kind of person who will be in their inbox all day or do they only handle their email in batches?

While you can’t know this for certain, you should be able to make a fairly good guess about when to send your email.

Consider sending your email either early in the morning, to get their attention first thing in the day, or later in the day, so that they see it before they head home for work.

Step #2: Craft The Perfect Subject Line

The subject line of your email is like the headline in a newspaper. It’s what gets people’s attention. It creates curiosity in them and compels them to read the rest of the email.

A great subject line can result in a very high open percentage on your emails, while a mediocre subject line will almost always produce mediocre results.

 On average, most people get dozens of emails every single day. If you want others to actually read your email, you must get their attention right away.

Megan Marrs says this:

Your subject line is your first (and maybe your last) impression on users. In many ways, your email subject line is more important than your email body. After all, a great newsletter is worthless if it never sees the light of day.

So, avoid skimping on your subject line. If you want people to actually read your emails (which is the whole point), it’s essential to spend a fair amount of time crafting the perfect subject line.

So, what makes for a great subject line?

Here are eight formulas you can use to get the attention of your readers.

1. The Question

Questions make for outstanding subject lines because they force the reader to stop and think for a moment. They make the reader ponder how they will answer the question.

And they create a sense of curiosity. They make the reader want to know how you will answer the question as well.

For example, consider these subject lines:

  • Can you relate to this?
  • Do you feel like this too?
  • What do you think about this idea?
  • Do you feel exhausted without your morning coffee too?
  • Do you make the same mistake I do?

All these subject lines create what’s called a “pattern interrupt” for the reader. In other words, they interrupt the reader as they mindlessly scroll through their inbox and force them to pay attention to your email.

They also push the reader to click on the email because they want to know how the question gets answered.

2. The How To

People love to learn new things that are especially relevant to their lives. This is why DIY videos are so popular on YouTube. People have questions and they want answers. Using a how to subject line piques people’s interest, especially if it’s really relevant to them.

For example:

  • How to quickly get 1,000 email subscribers
  • How to get that nasty stain out of your shirt
  • How to make 10 sales every single day
  • How to win friends and influence people

Again, these subject lines interrupt the reader as they peruse their inbox. They cause the reader to think, “Is this something that I want or need to learn?”

If it is, they’ll click on the email.

It’s important to note that in order for the how to email to actually work, you must know your audience. In other words, you need to know what they want to know how to do.

As noted earlier, you need to be able to get inside the minds of your readers. If you don’t, your emails won’t be relevant.

3. Scarcity

People are always afraid of missing out on something good. In fact, there’s even a term for this fear: FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). You can capitalize on this fear in your subject lines. If you can create a sense of scarcity with your subject line, there’s a greater chance that people will click on your email.

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What does scarcity look like in a subject line?

  • Only 2 days left!
  • Almost out of stock! Get yours now!
  • Only three hours left to register
  • This will be gone very soon
  • You’re almost out of time!
  • Only 4 spots left for a consultation

Your goal is to make the reader feel like if they don’t take action, they’ll seriously miss out on something. The more you can make your reader feel like things are urgent, the more likely it is that they’ll open your email.

4. An Announcement

Announcements trigger something in us. We want to be in the know, up to date, and always on top of things. We don’t want to miss out on any important information.

When you use words like “New” or “Introducing” or “Just Added,” you make people feel like there is important, breaking information that they need to know.

For example:

  • An important update to our app
  • New: a faster way to get paid
  • Introducing the best way to create beautiful photos
  • An invitation just for you

You want people to feel like they must open the email if they’re going to stay up to date on information. Think about your own life. You don’t want to miss out on critical information. In fact, there’s even a fear of missing out on critical information.

You want to create that same sense of anticipation and even fear in your readers.

5. The Numbered List

It’s no secret that people absolutely love lists. It’s why magazines constantly use headlines like “10 Ways To Get In Shape Fast.” We like it when things are quickly broken down for us to scan.

When things are presented in list format, we can easily get a sense of the entire thing.

You can take advantage of this by using list format subject lines.

What would these subject lines look like?

  • The 4 best email marketing tools you need to be using
  • 7 ways to beat anxiety today
  • 15 ways to quickly build your email list
  • 9 methods for getting in shape quickly
  • 6 steps to overcoming the blues

List subject lines also tap into our desire to gain information. We know that because things are presented in list format, we’ll be able to quickly get information that we wouldn’t otherwise.

6. The Curiosity Gap

Websites like Buzzfeed constantly create curiosity with their headlines. They’ll write something strange in their headline and then answer it in the body of the article.

For example, they might say something like “You Never Knew This About Santa Claus.” Of course, this makes you want to know what you never knew about Santa Claus. You then have to read the article to find the answer.

You can use this same tactic with the subject lines of your emails.

 For example:

  • A little-known trick to bust belly fat
  • He asked me a question that I couldn’t answer
  • Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting this
  • Most people get this completely wrong
  • I don’t understand why this keeps happening

The subject line should create a question in the reader’s mind. What is the little-known trick to bust belly fat? What exactly weren’t you expecting? What do most people get wrong?

Then, in the email, you actually answer the question. It’s really important that you actually answer the question in the email. Otherwise, your readers could feel like they were duped by the subject line.

7. Surprise

Studies have shown that when people are surprised (in a good way), it lights up the pleasure center of the brain. We like to be surprised, and if you can surprise your readers with your subject line, there’s a much better chance they’ll open your email.

How can you surprise your readers? Make them laugh. Force them to think about something unexpected. Cite a surprising statistic.

Your goal is to force them to stop scrolling through their inbox and pay attention to what you’re saying.

A surprise subject line could look like:

  • What Elvis Presley can teach you about email marketing
  • Unexpected lessons learned from a bout with the flu
  • I’m so frustrated!
  • Warning: this email will self-destruct in 5 minutes

When people are surprised, they are also delighted. If you can delight people with your subject line, they’re almost sure to open your email and read the rest of it.

Again, it’s important that the body of your email actually match up to the subject line. You don’t want your readers to feel like you tricked them.

8. Personalized

We all love to hear our own names. In fact, in his hugely popular book How To Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie says that there is nothing sweeter to a person than hearing their own name.

You can use this to your advantage in your email subject lines. A recent study on subject lines found that including a person’s name increases the open rate by a whopping 14.68%!

Consider combining using a person’s name with other tactics on this list. For example:

  • Tim, Elvis Presley can teach you about email marketing
  • John, most people get this question wrong
  • I don’t understand why this keeps happening, Mary
  • Have you ever had this happen to you, Melissa?

It’s hard for a person to ignore something with their name on it. When you use a person’s name in the subject line (and the rest of the email), you compel them to open the email and read it.

Use Your Name In The “From” Section

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When setting up the “From” section of your email, be sure to use your name and not just the name of your company. You don’t want your email to look like it’s just coming from a company.

You want it to look like it’s coming from a person who actually cares about the recipient.

Yes, it’s fine to include your company in the “From” section but do it in combination with your name. For example, your “From” section could look like, “John @ Company X”.

Using your name also adds authenticity to the email. It shows that there is a real person behind the email.

A/B Test Your Subject Lines

A/B testing is simply testing one subject line against another to see which one gets the best results. When sending out an email you should always A/B test email subjects against one another.

Most email clients make it really simple to A/B test subject lines. Typically, you just enter in two subject lines and the email client will send out the email to a portion of your subscribers. Once a winner has been determined, the email will be sent to the rest of your subscribers.

Pay Attention To Your Preview Text

In addition to your subject line, it’s also essential that you pay attention to the “preview” text of your email. The preview text usually shows up next to the subject line in the email. If you don’t manually enter preview text, it will simply show the first line of the email.

Your preview text should also be created using one of the tactics above and should give people an additional reason to open your email.

For example, if you ask a question in the subject line, you could ask a follow up question in the preview text. Or if you create a curiosity gap in the subject line, you could write, “You won’t believe the answer,” in the preview text.

Step #3: Create Compelling Body Copy

Once you’ve crafted an extremely compelling subject line, it’s time to write the body copy for your email. In some ways, the body copy has to also do what the subject line does: keep people reading.

Each line of the copy should motivate them to read the next line. If your body copy is boring, people won’t make it past the first line. They’ll quickly delete your email and all your work will be wasted.

So how do you write compelling body copy? Use these tactics.

Get To The Point Quickly

From the outset, it should be very clear to readers why you’re emailing them. After all, they probably get hundreds of emails every single week. Why should they bother reading your email?

Avoid making the reader scroll through lots of text in order to figure out why you’re emailing them. Get to the point quickly.

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If you want your email to be read, it must be absolutely relevant to them.

 So why should they read your email?

  • Are you releasing an important new product?
  • Do they need to update some information?
  • Are you running a sale?
  • Are you opening up some new consulting slots?
  • Are you making an important change to your existing product?

One way to make your emails relevant to your readers is to begin by asking them a question. For example, if you’re a business growth consultant, you could open your email by asking, “What if I told you that you could double your revenue over the next year?”

Then you could move into the rest of your email where you announce that you’re opening new consulting slots.

Talk In The Second Person

Writing in the second person means using the pronouns “you”, your”, and “yours”. Doing this makes the copy about the reader, NOT about you. If you find yourself using the words, “I” or “We” a lot, there’s a good chance that you’re talking too much about yourself in the email.

You want the email to focus on them and not you.

Talk About Benefits, Not Features

You know why you’re sending your email, but does your reader understand why? Not off the bat. You need to give the reader a compelling reason to read your email and take action.

The problem with many emails is that they only focus on features, not benefits. In other words, they make an announcement or proclamation, but don’t tell the reader how that announcement benefits them.

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For example, let’s say you’re offering 30% off on a product or service. You could simply tell the reader that you’re offering a discount and that they should take advantage of it. But this doesn’t do much to convince the reader to take action.

Or, you could tell the reader the benefits of your discount.

  • What benefits will they get by purchasing from you?
  • How will it improve their lives?
  • Why should someone invest their money with you and not someone else?

Your goal is to paint a picture of the good life for the reader. You want them to feel like they would be foolish to not take advantage of what you’re offering. Show them just how much purchasing from you will make a difference in their lives.

Be Brief

Let’s be honest: no one likes emails that are overly long. If a long email appears in our inbox, we almost immediately delete it. Why? Because it’s simply too overwhelming to read. This is especially the case if we’re reading on a mobile phone. Long emails take way too much time to read and process.

In light of this, try to keep your business and marketing emails relatively brief. Ideally, you should be able to quickly summarize your main points and then let the reader click to a web page where they can get the full information.

Before you write your email, ask yourself:

  • What is the point of this email?
  • What action do I want the readers to take?
  • What will make this email a success?

If you find yourself sending an email that’s hundreds of words long, you probably haven’t sufficiently answered the above questions. Keep your emails succinct and to the point.

Delight Your Readers

Most emails are incredibly boring, right? They are purely informational, and most of the information is extremely dry.

If you can convey your message and delight your readers at the same time, there’s a much better chance that you’ll be able to get them to actually take action.

Email can be a great way to let your brand personality shine through and build a relationship with your readers.

How can you delight your readers?

  • Share a compelling story
  • Use GIFs and photos (which also serve to break up the text and catch the eye)
  • Use humor
  • Reference current events
  • Make fun of yourself (in an appropriate way)
  • Admit when you made a mistake

Overall, you want to add a sense of humanness to your emails. You want to let people know that there is a real person sending the emails, not just a nameless face at an enormous company.

Have A Compelling Call To Action

Almost every email should have a call-to-action (CTA). If your email doesn’t have a CTA, ask yourself why you’re sending it in the first place. After all, your goal should always be to get the reader to take action.

In your CTA, use actionable language. In other words, tell people exactly what to do. If you’re promoting a deal, use language such as, “View the Deal,” or, “Get In On This Deal.”

Also, make your CTAs very obvious. Make it clear what you want the reader to do. Don’t leave them guessing. If you want them to click a link or button, make it big and obvious. If you want them to reply to an email, ask them specifically to reply. If you want them to share something with friends, tell them to share.

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Spend the necessary time crafting a compelling CTA. This, after all, is the point of your entire email – to get the reader to take action.

Optimize Your Emails For Mobile

Somewhere around 60% of all emails are read on mobile devices. This means that your emails need to be easily readable on mobile devices. How can you ensure that they are?

Follow these tips:

  1. Use a bigger font size. This simply makes the text easier to see on small mobile screens.
  2. Use lots of page breaks and white space. Huge chunks of text are very difficult to read on mobile devices. Break up your text as much as possible so that it’s easy to skim.
  3. Test your emails in multiple email clients. See how they look in GMail versus Apple Mail or Outlook. This will help you ensure that your emails look good no matter what platform they’re read on.
  4. Test your emails on different devices. For example, evaluate the look of your emails on Apple devices versus Android. Also, test the emails on tablets as well. You want to ensure that no matter what device is used, your email will look outstanding.

Step #4: Personalize Your Emails

We already discussed the power of personalizing the subject line of your emails, but you can go much further in terms of personalizing the emails themselves. The more you personalize the emails, the more likely it is that people will respond to them.

What are some effective ways to personalize emails?

Use The Person’s Name

Throughout the body of your email, use the person’s name at least once or twice (once in the subject line and once in the body of the email).

Obviously, you don’t want to overdo it when using a person’s name, but by including it a couple of times in the email, you make it sound as though you’re talking directly to your reader rather than to a large email list.

Be Conversational

As much as possible, make your emails conversational. Avoid talking in stiff, industry jargon. Rather, talk as though you were talking to a friend.

If you’re promoting something, promote it in a friendly way rather than an overly salesy way. Think about it as if you were recommending a product or service to a good friend rather than trying to make a sale to a complete stranger.

Campaign Monitor puts it this way:

It might feel silly at first but instead of writing for hundreds, thousands, or millions of people, pretend you’re writing the email for one person. Pretend you’re talking directly to one friend or one customer. Let them know about the exciting stuff you want to tell them and explain what you want them to do.

Focus On Them

This was noted earlier, but bears repeating. The focus of your email should always be the reader, not you. Don’t tell your readers all about what you’re doing. Rather, focus on how you can add value to the reader. Explain to the reader why your offer is so valuable.

Segment Your List

Instead of sending every email to every member of your list, consider sending different offers to different segments of your list. Why should you do this? Because not every email is going to resonate with every member of your list.

Consider these ways to segment your list:

 Location. Base your emails on where your readers live.


  1. For example, let’s say you know the locations of your email subscribers. If you sell bathing suits, it wouldn’t make much sense to send an email about discounted bathing suits to those who live in a location where it’s winter. That email simply wouldn’t be relevant to them.
  • Or let’s say you’re doing a meetup at a particular location. You could send emails only to those who live in that location instead of your entire list.
  1. Behavior. You can also segment your list based on demonstrated behaviors.
  • For example, you can send offers only to those who have opened your emails in the last month. This ensures that your offers are only going to your hottest prospects.
  • Or you could only send emails to those who have clicked on a particular link. By clicking on a link, they demonstrate an interest in a particular subject.
  1. Purchase history. For example, if they’ve purchased a particular item or service from you, you could send them emails about related items or services.
  2. Lead magnet. For example, let’s say you have two different lead magnets, one about losing weight and the other about healthy eating. You could send weight-loss related content to those who downloaded the first lead magnet and healthy eating content to those who downloaded the second lead magnet.

When it comes to segmenting your list, your goal is to make your emails as relevant to the reader as possible. The more relevant an email is to the reader, the more likely it is that they’ll read it and respond accordingly.

Achieve Email Marketing Greatness

One of the great temptations with email is to do things too fast. To simply bang out your email without giving it much thought. And while this certainly allows you to send more emails, it doesn’t allow you to send effective emails.

Effective emails take time, work, thought, and creativity.

In your emails, it’s important to:

  • Get inside the head of your readers, so you know what really matters to them.
  • Carefully think through your subject line to make it as compelling as possible.
  • Craft compelling body copy so that the reader wants to go through the entire email.
  • Personalize your emails so that they’re relevant.

If you don’t do these things, your emails will probably achieve mediocre results. Your open rates will be low, your click-through rates will be even lower, and your readers won’t be inclined to take much action.

If, on the other hand, you thoroughly follow the above steps, you truly can achieve email marketing greatness.

So, don’t wait any longer. Start crafting emails that get results today!




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Easy Sales Funnels 0

Easy Sales Funnels
Think sales funnels are complicated? Think again!

Brought to you by

Sales funnels are not new. They have been about since long before the internet
was even heard of (the term sales ‘funnel’ was first coined in 1924). It’s just
that as consumers we don’t generally have any reason to know the term.
Chances are, you never even heard of a ‘sales funnel’ until you got involved in the online marketing world. Maybe you still aren’t clear what a sales funnel is.

(If that includes you, don’t worry, we’ll cover this soon).
But one thing is certain – effective sales funnels are ESSENTIAL if you want to make a decent living online.

You might not know it, but you go through sales funnels every day in life.
The layout of your local grocery store is not random – every item there is strategically placed to encourage you to add more and more to your basket as you walk round the store. The layout, the pricing, the special offers, everything is part of a sales funnel designed to make you buy more.
Think of McDonalds. ‘Would you like fries with that?’ is an upsell, part of a sales funnel.
Amazon are masters of the sales funnel. ‘Customers who bought this item also bought’ and ‘Frequently bought together’ on the checkout page are part of their sales funnel. All the follow up emails you get after making a purchase? Part of the sales funnel.

So what exactly is a sales funnel?
Quite simply, a sales funnel is a series of offers that are presented to the
prospect/customer. These offers can be cross sells (fries with your burger, or an
extended warranty for your new TV), but often tend to increase in both price and
value (also known as an upsell).
The idea is that as someone goes through the sales funnel they become more
and more engaged and spend more and more money. It is with these ‘high
priced ‘backend’ offers that the real money is made –one $4997 coaching client
is worth a lot of $7 front end customers.
A typical online sales funnel works like
At the ‘front-end’ is a free product to capture people’s interest.

In order to grab the free product people have to sign-up and hand over their
email address – and in turn they are added to an email list/database of

After the person is added to the list, they can then be sent other related offers
that they might be interested in.
Immediately after signing up for the free product the prospect will typically be
presented with a low priced offer (called an ‘upsell’ or ‘one time offer’).
Here they’re moving into the ‘back-end’ of the funnel.
If they buy this low priced offer then they will then be offered another related
product at a higher price.
If the person buys the higher product they are then offered another product at
an even higher price. … and so on.

As the price of the products increases, so does the value being offered.
For example, the free and low-priced upsell product might be a short 30-40 page
report or eBook…
By the 3rd or 4th upsell they might then be offered a personal coaching program
or ‘done for you’ service charged at $497 a month.
Remember, as people go through the sales funnel they become more and more
engaged and spend more and more money.

“Your ability to set up an effective sales funnel will determine your online success.”

A lot of people who try to make money online have no idea how to set up an
effective sales funnel. They just choose an affiliate offer and more often than not
send traffic with the hope to make a few sales.
While they will get a few sales if they are sending good traffic, such a business
model won’t last because as soon as the traffic stops the income will also dry up.
Most people don’t buy first time. There is something called ‘The Marketing Rule
of Seven’ – your average prospective buyer needs to hear or see your marketing
message at least seven times before they buy from you.

Whether it’s really 7, or 77, or whatever is irrelevant – the point is you have to
be able to show your offer to the same person more than once. So if you have
no system in place to capture those leads you are leaving a whole lot of money
on the table.
So Here’s What You Need To Do

1. Offer A Bribe (FREE OFFER) so that people will sign up to your list
The trick to this is that no one will be presented with a paid offer until they have
signed up to your email list. If you are worried that you may miss sales by doing
this, worry not – experience has proven that this is wrong.
The truth of the matter is that those would would buy right away will still be able
to do so because as soon as they optin to your lead capture page, they will be
redirected to the paid offer where they can then buy the product. At the same
time you can also follow up with people who would not buy to build a
relationship with them via your newsletter which will convert them into buyers.

2. The Your First Product In Your Sales Funnel Should Be A Low Priced
Product It is important to note that this first entry product is not where you’ll make most
of your from. As a matter of fact, depending on how you drive traffic, you may
be at a loss even after making several sales of this product.
However, this product is to separate your buyers from your freebie seekers. So
the methodology that should be in place is that once someone purchase a
product, he/she will automatically be removed from your free list onto your
customers list. A low entry product can be anywhere from $7 to $27.

3. Have An Effective Backend With High Priced Upsells For the really successful marketers, the bulk of their income comes from the
backend product. This is where your previous customers will get to upgrade and purchase higher priced products in your sales funnel.
You can have several different priced products in your funnel. In order for your customers to see the higher priced products they must first buy the lower entry ones.

So the funnel with look something like this:
By simply linking to a product without capturing leads, you are just doing hit and
miss marketing. If you are also paying for traffic, you will find it very hard (if not
impossible) to turn a profit.

With an effective sales funnel, you can happily spend on traffic because you
have a good back end in place, so you know that every $1 spent will bring in
more than $1 in return. Once you have this, the sky really is the limit – all you
have to do is scale.

This covers the basics of what can be done with a sales funnel. This is not
advanced, yet 95% of marketers do NOT even have a tenth of this in place.
If you are one of them, make a concentrated effort to focus on the #1 growth
driver in your business – your sales funnel. Quite simply, an effective sales
funnel will change your online business forever.
Want Advanced Sales Funnel Training? Click Here Now


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How To Learn YouTube Seo For Beginners 1

How To Learn YouTube Seo For Beginners is a Great Article Where You have a free Training and a paid training.

If you ever wanted to Optimize  YouTube Videos and maximize your Click Through Rate!

Download Your Copy of this Video Course Today and Skyrocket Your Rankings.

In this 8 Part Video Training Course 

You will Get to Watch Over the Shoulder – Step-by-Step -, Click by Click and learn what you need to do before making your youTube Videos Live.

Watch this Youtube SEO Tutorials from James Scholes

More Youtube SEO Tutorials here at James Scholes Website

Video #1 – Introduction to YouTube SEO | learn how to get more views and subscribers on youtube

Before we jump right in, we want to make sure that you are in the right mindset. So, we will be discussing what you need to put your 100% focus into.  In addition to that we will discuss a quick overview of what’s inside this video course, so you know exactly what to expect. You’ll also get to see everything that you need to be able to get started successfully.

Video #2 – Competitive Research  |  how to learn youtube seo for newbies

The best way to understand how you can rank better is to do a bit of competitive research.  This will allow you to see what is working right now and why YouTube may be ranking certain videos over others.

Video #3 –  Highly Searched Keywords  | learn youtube seo for newbies

One mistake we see many Youtubers make is making their own title and description.  Instead of deciding what you think will work, why not use what is already working?  The best way to find highly searched keywords is to look at what is already out there and it’s free.

Video #4 – Your Title and Description  

Taking what you have gathered in the previous videos, let me show you how to properly create your titles and descriptions.  There’s a super easy trick we use to create titles that both convert and rank well.

Video #5 – Video File Optimization  | youtube optimization tutorial for beginners

Did you know that all files contains data that tells YouTube what your video could be about?  This is one of the most skipped steps because it is a little technical.  But you’ll learn how so you can get one step ahead of your competitors.

Video #6 – Your Thumbnail  

Since our goal is to get more clicks to your YouTube video, we have to rely on attracting your viewers.  The thumbnail is the first thing people see as they are scanning to find what interests them the most.  You will learn what your Thumbnail should contain and what to do if you don’t have any design skills.

Video #7 – Video Length  | learn youtube seo for beginners

The big question is how long should your video be?  Yes, most folks have said to make your videos short and that worked in the past.  But what about today?  Should it be long?  Should it be short?

Video #8 – Secret Tip to Outrank Your Competitors  

In this video, we will cover a secret tip that has worked for us time and time again to outrank your competitors.  This is one of the few methods that most people are aware of and it’ll be another step you have to be ahead.

Highly Recommended ⭐🤩