Tagged: make money online

Make Money Online 2021 | Affiliate Marketing Free Traffic Sources 0

This is How I Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing and Free Traffic Sources in 2021.
We need to master the Free Traffic sources for affiliate marketing in 2021, the paid traffic is becoming more and More Expensive.
everyone wants to know how to make money online with Affiliate marketing but they want quick results.


Affiliate marketing gives the best results if you have a website for promoting affiliate products, and you do not depend too much on third party websites for more sales.

Here are five ways to improve your sales conversion or action conversion rates for an affiliate marketing business:

#1 Your role between buyer and seller:

It’s a common mistake for beginner affiliates to direct traffic (customers) to the merchant or seller’s page too soon, with them really being no more than a glorified link sharer. An affiliate is a unique role in business, but a role nonetheless that you must play effectively. You can do that by offering value to the customers, say through a blog post, discussing the affiliate product. Ask yourself why you really should be trusted to recommend a certain product. Have you reviewed it, for a good reason? Do you have a special recommendation for certain people like you who also buy it? What information do you have to offer? If you brainstorm enough, you’ll find something. But it’s not “get more sales for this business” or “help more people find this type of product.” That’s surface-level. If you want another example of a reason why you being an affiliate is valuable, consider…

Make Money Online 2021

#2 Incentives and discounts:

With affiliate marketing, you don’t have to cut anything out of your profits to benefit from a customer-friendly offer. You can just rely on affiliate codes that already include discounts, and then hype those up in your marketing.

#3 Trust with customers:

Trust is the baseline requirement to drive more sales, be it for affiliate marketing, or in general. For that, scrap the crap. Avoid promoting fake or substandard products, even if they seem popular or their commission numbers seem good. In general, by the way, I would not become an affiliate of something based on stats or popularity. Better to start with a topic or product type that really appeals to you, that you’d love to be an affiliate for, and find something profitable from your end from that position.

If at all possible, first use the product yourself, and then recommend it to others only if you truly consider it worthy of promotion. This isn’t just about sales; you should aim to build long-term relationships with your customers. Almost all the most successful affiliate gigs are run by bloggers and vloggers, people who rely hugely on their own personalities and an authentic group of superfans just like them.

#4 Review articles:

So incredibly simple for increasing affiliate marketing sales, I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t do this at least once if they haven’t. As an affiliate marketer, you should be good at expressing opinions passionately and taking a stand. Turn that impulse into the most relevant kind of content you can: reviews of the same products you are an affiliate for.

The customer understands the products in a better way and gets their questions answered. You can even do this with products that you weren’t that crazy about. People love to read honest reviews, and middling reviews often lead to more sales just as easily as good reviews do.

#5 Email marketing:

To Make Money Online 2021, Email marketing is incredibly easy as a way to keep a large number of fans or followers updated, in a way that is much more likely to be seen than on social media. It’s also more personal and trusted, helping you explain things and work your way up to some big-ticket sales.

How to Make money on youtube without showing face 0

How to Make money on youtube without showing face : Let’s face it… we all love YouTube. We’ve spent countless hours watching chubby babies giggle, cats do tricks, and that kid named David chatter after a visit to the dentist.

Perhaps you’ve taken your love of YouTube to the next level and started your own YouTube channel. It sounded like a great way to boost your business, right?

Make money on youtube without showing face

The only problem is that making videos is only one part of the process. Then comes the hard part: actually getting people to watch your videos.

If you have ever wished you could figure out the secret to make your YouTube videos a success, I have good news.  I’m about to show you how to take your YouTube channel to a whole new level.

In fact, if you follow these simple step-by-step principles, your YouTube video can on the first page of Google and YouTube within days.

Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search website on the entire Internet? YouTube gets more daily searches than Bing and Yahoo. In fact, there is only one search engine that gets more action.

You probably already guessed it!  That’s right, it’s Google.

Of course, you may already know that Google actually owns YouTube. Because they are operated by the same folks, you can enjoy some pretty amazing rewards from both if you play your cards right. 

But before we get too deep into the relationship between YouTube and Google, let’s get back to the basics and make sure you have a good understanding of how YouTube works and how you can use it to your advantage.

YouTube Is The Future Of Internet Marketing

If you want to know how to optimize your business for the Internet, the key is to stay ahead of the trends. If you can predict the future of Internet marketing, you can beat your competition to a great marketing strategy and enjoy success while they are still figuring out how to catch up.

That’s why YouTube is crucial. Video is going to be the future for Internet marketing. Cisco predicts that by 2015, at least 90% of web traffic is going to be video based. 

Right now, 60 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute. That means 1 hour of video goes up every second! Obviously, people are crazy about YouTube!

The growing industry of online video is nothing to be laughed at. Sites like Netflix and Hulu are pulling in mass quantities of people too.

Many people are abandoning cable television or expensive satellite programming in favor of watching their favorite shows and movies online.

With that in mind, YouTube marketing is a safe strategy to make sure your website gets ultimate visibility both now and in the future.

How to Make money on youtube without showing face

Get Going With YouTube NOW

If you think you have time to figure out how YouTube really works, think again. We’ve reached the tipping point where more and more people are going to do video searches and it’s time to cash in on this new wave of technology.

If you put it off, you’re going to be too late. You need YouTube marketing and you need it NOW.

By jumping in and learning the logistics of making YouTube work for you, you’re going to be way ahead of your competition when they finally figure out what’s happening and try to join the YouTube movement.

Chances are that your competition is still worrying about how to get their website to hit the #1 spot on Google searches. But here’s the thing… you can grab a top spot with an amazing video and you can do it with much less effort or expense.

Remember, Google and YouTube are friends! They work together so you can harness the power of this team and make it work for you.

When you start using YouTube properly, you will see a huge rise in your rankings with Google and it won’t take long. In fact, it could happen almost overnight.

Why is that #1 spot so important? It’s the key to unlocking thousands of organic searches. When someone does a Google search, research shows that they click on the top result 36% of the time. The second spot gets 12% of clicks and the third gets 9%. From there the numbers drop considerably for each position. If you aren’t on the first page, you might as well not exist these days.

Now if you think you can beat the system by paying for Google AdWords, you’re wrong. Paid results that show above the top search result still only receive around 5% of the clicks. It’s definitely no substitute for ranking at #1 the good old-fashioned way!

Imagine what it would be like if you could not only rank #1 on Google, but have a video that ranked #1 on YouTube too? You would now control prime real estate on two of the most popular search engines in the world!

So let’s get started…

How to Make money on youtube without showing face

Unwrapping the Anatomy of YouTube

There are two basic parts of YouTube: channels and pages.  If you want to be successful, you have to know the difference.

YouTube works as a secondary website and the channel is your homepage.Each video you make is a secondary webpage.

By adding more videos, you strengthen your channel. You want your channel to be as strong as possible so that your site will rank higher.

So how can you beef up your YouTube channel? Here are a few principles to guide you.

Keep It Relevant

If you want your YouTube channel to have authority in your niche, make sure your videos are relevant. For instance, if your website focuses on dog training, don’t post random videos about gardening. If you are working on multiple niches, create a separate channel for each one.

Mixing up a ton of unrelated videos on one channel is a recipe for YouTube disaster. No one is going to know what your channel is about, what purpose it has, or why they should care what you have to say through your videos.

You’ve got to be relevant to build authority. You’ve got to build authority to rank high on Google. So rule #1 is to keep every video relevant.

Video With Purpose

We’ve all stumbled on those videos where someone is rambling about their products with no clear call to action.  It’s painful, isn’t it? 

Don’t be one of those rambling YouTube rookies. Instead, think about the purpose of your videos before you ever make them.

What are your goals for this video? What do you really want to accomplish?

For most of us, the purpose will be to grab new readers for our websites. The video is supposed to be a little sample of the great information your website offers. You want to whet their appetite and guide them to move to the website and buy your products or subscribe to your updates.

Ask For What You Want

There’s no need to make it a guessing game for the people who view your YouTube video. Tell theme exactly what you want. You need a CLEAR call to action in every video.

You can do this is a few ways. The easiest method is to mention the link to your website listed in the video description. Ask your viewers to click it and check it out.

Go a step further and mention the awesome benefits they will enjoy by opting in to your list. 

When someone visits your website from YouTube, you are already at a clear advantage. These are not blind searchers. They have purposely clicked to your website because they are interested in what you have to offer.

Take the time to track where your traffic is coming from.  Your YouTube traffic will convert at much higher rates than organic search traffic. Just check the stats and see for yourself!

Make The Sale

YouTube is not just for giving objective information to viewers. You can actively promote your products and ask people to buy them. There is no reason that you should avoid asking people to buy your merchandise.

In fact, you should make it very clear what people need to do to buy your product. Point out the link that will take the viewer to an order form. Make it easy for them to buy your products and they will buy them more often.

Maximize Your Affiliate Sales With YouTube

For many of you, your online business is based on affiliate marketing. This is a huge industry with unlimited profit potential. Utilizing YouTube is a quick way to add a lot of momentum to your affiliate marketing campaigns.

You can use YouTube in several ways to maximize your affiliate earnings. Here are a few simple ideas.

1. Review The Product

YouTube is the perfect platform to do reviews of the products you are promoting. People tend to believe an affiliate sales pitch when they actually see the person presenting it.

Something about a video feels a lot more authentic than reading a written review. There is always a level of skepticism when you read reviews.

How do you know that the writer REALLY believes in the product? What if one person using many aliases writes all of the reviews online?

These questions are put to rest when you use a video to make reviews. People see you, hear you, and connect with you and the product you are promoting.

2. Show The Product

It’s really as simple as holding up the product you are promoting. If people are wondering what is really coming inside a kit, they can find out by watching you open it on video.

You can run through your thoughts on it, from packaging to your immediate first impression. Then provide your affiliate link to the product where others can buy it if they are interested.

3. Teach Them How To Use The Product

Training videos are extremely valuable in the eyes of YouTube viewers. Many people do YouTube searches that start with “How to…”. You can capitalize on this by teaching them how to use the product you are promoting.

how to make money on youtube without making videos

For instance, if you are an affiliate marketer for a line of cosmetics, demonstrate how to properly apply them. Give yourself or a friend a makeover on camera, using the products you hope to sell.

People will LOVE the tips you provide and they will also be quick to purchase the cosmetics that give amazing results on the video. 

Think about those home shopping networks you see on late night television. This is exactly what they do to sell millions of dollars worth of merchandise every year. They simply show the viewers how to use them and provide a number where they can call and place an order.

When you use YouTube, you do the very same thing.  Show the product, demonstrate how to use it, and then point out a link where they can buy the product too.

Master The Art Of Making Videos

By now, you are probably itching to make a video and publish it on YouTube. But before you get started, take a minute and keep reading. We’re about to get into the “meat” of YouTube marketing.

In order to have successful videos, you must follow some simple rules. Here is what you should know.

Timing Is Everything

No one wants to listen to you talk about dog food for 20 minutes. Seriously, don’t do it. Even if you are sure you are marketing the BEST organic dog food in the world, don’t talk about it for 20 minutes.

People have short attention spans and you’re competing for their attention. They have ads flashing around your video and other relevant videos are listed on the right side. If you don’t capture their attention and keep it, they will click away before you ever get a chance to point out that link that is so important.

If possible, keep your videos to around 3 minutes long. If you’re doing an in depth tutorial, it might go a little longer, but you should strive to stay around the 3 minute mark if possible.

When you do have the occasional video that exceeds 3 minutes, make sure you are giving your call to action at 3 minute intervals, in case the viewer loses interest before you get to the end.

Don’t worry about sounding redundant. Be very clear in your call to action. Introduce what you want them to know, then tell them the full facts, and then conclude by explaining what you’ve just told them in a quick concise way.

Plan Your Video Sequence

Don’t start shooting a video without a clear outline to follow. The result will most likely be rambling and it won’t be effective at all.

Instead, plan out the sequence of your video ahead of time.  Here is the general outline you should follow.

1. Introduction

During the first few seconds of your video, introduce yourself. This is the moment where you say, “Hi, my name is Bob. You can find me online at bobsmith.com.”

This is also a good time to invite them to connect through social media. Mention your Facebook page or invite them to follow you on Twitter.

2. Convince Them To Keep Watching

Right after you introduce yourself, tell them why they need to watch the video and how long it’s going to take. You could say, “If you’ve ever suffered from acne, I’m about to tell you how I ditched my bad skin and got an amazing complexion in just 2 weeks.”

Then follow up with a disclaimer about how long your video will last. For instance, “In the next 2 minutes, I’m going to share my story and tell you about the products that actually worked for me.”

3. Deliver What You Promised

This segment is where you actually present the information you just told them they would receive. Be clear and concise as you explain your product or give your review or tutorial.

This is where you would show the cosmetics you used to ditch the acne and maybe even show them how you apply that night cream to your T-Zone every night.

4. Wrap It Up

You’ve already given them the information you promised, now do a quick recap. It should just be a sentence or two. You could say, “That is how I conquered acne and got a great complexion in two weeks.”

5. Be The Expert

Now you have set the scene for why you are qualified to give them advice. You are experienced and you know what you are talking about.

Cash in on the authority you’ve built by giving them a tidbit of advice. You could just drop a note of encouragement, a quick tip, or a recommendation for a product (affiliate marketers are seeing dollar signs here!).

6. Set The Hook

You’ve dangled the bait, now it’s time to set the hook with a clear call to action. Ask the viewer to visit your website, click on the link to buy the product, or subscribe to your list.

If you miss this step, you wasted it all. Without a clear call to action, your video is pretty much pointless.

7. Give Them Time To Think

Make sure you leave a little dead time at the very end of your video. It can be silence and you can have text reminding them (again) to click the link below to learn more. You could even put several large arrows pointing down, so they know to click the link in the description.

By adding this extra time on the end, you prevent Google from immediately popping up with other suggested videos that could divert the viewer’s attention from your recent call to action.

Here is another variation of a final screen with a clear call to action, reaffirmed.

make money on youtube without making videos

How To Stage Your Video

Now that you know the basic outline you will follow while making your video, it’s time to look at how to stage your video. There are a few different ways you can approach this.

Headshot Videos

make money on youtube without creating videos

The most common approach to making a video is to use a headshot. The camera is trained on your head and shoulders as you talk to the viewer. 

While you might be tempted to go with this set-up, I would encourage you to reconsider. Pretty much everyone is using this approach so your video isn’t going to stand out at all. 

Plus, let’s just face it. There’s nothing too engaging or exciting about staring at a stranger’s face while they talk. You tend to get distracted by their mannerisms, accent, or even their posture.

That’s just too much pressure. Unless you are a supermodel or very comfortable speaking in front of a camera, skip the personal headshot and use an animated talking head instead.

This is a great opportunity to develop a character specifically for your brand. People will be more likely to watch a cartoon guy talk for 3 minutes than an ordinary human drone on for the same amount of time.

Think about Geico. They are famous for the little green gecko that shares information about their brand. Everyone knows Geico by the gecko. When you see him, you think of Geico.

You can establish this same kind of presence using an animated talking character of your own.

how to promote your youtube channel

Screen Capture Videos

Another option is to record your computer screen to illustrate your point. This is extremely effective for doing software demos, product reviews, tutorials and “how to” videos.

What’s great about these types of videos is you don’t need a fancy video camera, special lighting, or any formal training to do it.

You simply choose your full screen or a specific region of your screen to record and then start recording. Once you are finished hit stop and then save your video.

You can still follow your basic outline, offering advice and narrating a clear call to action, while showing visually relevant information on your computer screen.

There are several great software programs you can use to record your screen. If you have a PC, check out Camtasia or Snagit. For the Mac users, Screenflow is really excellent. With a screen capture program and your microphone, you can create a stunning video.

how to promote your youtube channel

PowerPoint Videos

Another option is to create a simple PowerPoint presentation to use as the visual element in the video. If you are using a Mac, Keynote offers the same capabilities.

You show the presentation on the video and narrate as you go. It’s very easy to combine your voice over with the presentation.

I know what you’re thinking. That is so boring! Truthfully, you are right. The PowerPoint approach isn’t the most attractive, but conversions are extremely high with these types of videos, so rest assured they work.

People seem to be mesmerized by the combination of voice and text. It appeals to multiple methods of learning so you appeal to a mass audience.

Some videos with the highest conversions featured nothing more than simple backgrounds and text with a narrator reading the words as they appear.

If you really can’t stand to go that simple, check out Prezi.  This is PowerPoint on steroids with cool graphics and amazing capabilities. You can create great animations on Prezi that will make your presentation have that “wow” factor you are hoping for.

Puppet Videos

I know it sounds silly, but puppets do work. Part of it is just because it’s so ridiculous that people can’t help but watch it. When they see a suggested video with a puppet, they click it. Wouldn’t you?

The PUPPET BREAK-UP video has over 15 MILLION views! Just imagine how many clicks you could get to an affiliate link, CPA offer, etc. if you had that many views.

The Animated Approach

I mentioned this earlier in the headshot section, but animated videos are a really great option. They tend to be noticed right away and people genuinely enjoy them.

I always outsource my animated videos. The only downside is cost. Expect to pay $100 – $300 a minute for quality animation. You can find good outsourcers for these types of videos at oDesk.com and Freelancer.com.

When I hire someone to make an animated video I usually only get a 1 – 2 minute video. The last 2 animated videos I did each cost me $150 for 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Animated videos are a lot of fun and the results are a great video with increased conversions! If you have the budget, they are definitely well worth the cost.

Other Tools You Should Check Out

If you aren’t sold on any of those approaches, there are still other options to choose from. Try one of these…


I love Animoto! I’ve had a Pro membership for over 2 years now. I use it to make promotional videos on YouTube and I also use it to make personal videos of my kids.

In a nutshell, Animoto helps you create extraordinary videos from your photos, video clips, words and music.

You can easily select photos and video that you want to include in your video. Then add your own words to promote your product or service.

You also get to choose what music you want for your video and then Animoto will create a beautiful cinematic video that you can easily upload to YouTube.

You can set up a free account and create 30 second videos with dynamic themes. You do get more options with a paid account, but I suggest you test it out for free initially.

It is worth every penny if you do decide to upgrade!


Fiverr is an awesome website that offers a variety of services for only $5. For $5, you can hire someone to create a video review for you. 

If you want to add more videos to your YouTube channel, Fiverr is the solution you’ve been looking for. Invest a little money and you can have a dozen reviews by different individuals.

When you purchase a video, you send over the script and any relevant instructions needed for making the video.  There are several attractive women who make promotional videos and reviews on Fiverr.com and they are a great option.

Everyone wants to buy products that beautiful women promote, right?

That’s one of the unspoken rules of advertising!

My Video Is Done… Now What?

After you finish creating your video, it’s time to move on to the next step. Now it’s time to optimize your video and make sure Google loves it.

The main thing you need to know about Google is that quality counts. In the past year, Google has rolled out a steady stream of updates like Panda and Penguin, leaving many webmasters cringing as their rankings dip.

Each of these updates was designed to promote high quality content to the top and get rid of low quality, spammy search results.

Keep this in mind when you are creating your videos. Quality is key. If you have tons of people watching your video and leaving after just a few seconds because it’s so boring, you aren’t going to accomplish much with Google.

On the other hand, if people actually watch your entire video, enjoy it, and even comment on it, you are on your way to YouTube stardom.

Here are some other steps you need to take to optimize your videos properly.

1. Use The Keyword In Your Title

Choose your video title carefully. Take time to research your keywords and use them in every possible way. When you save the raw video, save it as your keyword phrase.

For instance, if your keyword is “make money online”, save your video as “makemoneyonline.mp4”.

It might seem like an unnecessary step since YouTube doesn’t publish the file name, but it’s important. While viewers won’t see it, YouTube does and it makes a difference in how you rank.

Next, create your video’s title and use the same keyword phrase again.  If you want to really rank high, you need to use a secondary keyword in your title too.

I like to use a slight variation of my primary keyword for the secondary keyword. For example, “Make Money Online – Making Money Online Quickly”.

It might sound redundant, but YouTube loves it and it will also help you to rank higher.

2. Use The Right Tags

The best strategy for choosing your tags is to copy the competition. Find the most popular videos in your niche and then use the same tags.

If your keyword is “parrot training”, enter that phrase into the YouTube search bar. Then check out the top ranked videos and copy the relevant tags for your video.

These tags are already proven and you know that Google recognizes them as most important for your topic because they are ranking at the top.

3. Write An SEO Friendly Description

When you are creating the text for your description, it should include your link near the beginning. This makes it easy to find.

Don’t forget to include http:// so that it becomes a working link! Beyond the link, your description text could really be identical to your script.

Your script should have already contained many of your keywords naturally, which Google loves. Using a variety of related terms results in a higher quality score from Google. This means you rank higher!

The last step to the perfect description happens after you press “Publish”. Once your video is live, go back and edit your description and add the YouTube link to the video at the very end of the description.

It might seem pointless, but it is actually really important. There are countless software programs, scripts and tools that scrape videos from YouTube every day, so the users can add content to their own websites and blogs.

By adding your YouTube link to your video you gain a valuable backlink each time your video is posted online by somebody else using one of these tools. This will help you rank much faster on Google and YouTube.

Don’t Forget To Add Annotations

YouTube gives you another opportunity to cash in on your video viewers by adding simple annotations and captions throughout the video.

I personally only add one annotation to each of my videos and rarely add any captions.

Adding an annotation is very easy to do. Just click “Edit” on the video you want to edit. Then click “Annotations” in the menu bar. Next click “Add annotation” and choose Note.

Now just enter your text. I like to use font size 16 with either white or black text. I choose the most appropriate background color based on the colors in the video.

I always start the annotation around 30 seconds into the video and usually I’ll have it remain on the screen until the video ends.

Here’s an example of one of my annotations:

Complete The YouTube SEO Process

By now, you have made an amazing video, uploaded it (with a keyword rich file name!), titled it, tagged it, described it, and linked it. Now it’s time to finish up with off-page SEO.

This is where you start building traffic and the best tool in your arsenal was previously mentioned under video creation methods. Remember that cool new website called Fiverr.com? Well, now it’s time to visit it again to get some SEO work done for you.

Make money on youtube without showing face

Fiverr Provides SEO In A Hurry

If you don’t want to wait around for months to see some real traffic to your video, Fiverr can help. In fact, you can often rank on the first page of Google in as little as 24 hours with the help of Fiverr!

There are several experts on Fiverr that know how to rank a YouTube video almost instantly. For $5, an expert will submit your video to all the video sites in Traffic Geyser.

There is one important thing that is VITAL in this step. If you mess this up, you’re wasting your time and money.

Make sure that when the Fiverr expert submits your video, it includes your description along with the link back to your YouTube video, not your YouTube channel or website.

This insures that you are getting relevant, useful backlinks that Google will appreciate, resulting in quickly increased rankings for your video on YouTube.

You can also pay experts on Fiverr to promote your video to social bookmarking sites, get a variety of backlinks including EDU and SEnukeX blasts, increase your video views, and so much more!

There are tons of ways you can use Fiverr to promote your YouTube videos. Don’t be afraid to invest $10 – $20 on this step. It’s well worth it when you rank on the front page of Google and YouTube!

Tying It All Together

You have officially acquired all of the knowledge and resources you need to make incredible YouTube videos. 

When you take advantage of this knowledge, you can enjoy tons of traffic with very little time invested. Stop spending thousands of dollars and unlimited hours chasing old school SEO methods.

It’s time to let YouTube do all the hard work for you. By using the information you just learned, you can create an engaging video, optimize it for SEO, and get it to rank on the front page of Google and YouTube.

This simple strategy continues to work over and over in literally any niche market. It can work for you too. You just need to take ACTION.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to become a YouTube power player!

Set a goal to make at least one video this week. Just like anything else, the more you do it the better you get. I personally try to upload at least one new video each week. If I have time, I upload more videos.

Each video I upload to YouTube generates more and more traffic for me on 100% autopilot. The videos also produce a nice passive income that continues to rise.

It’s truly one of the easiest ways to get targeted traffic and to put money in your bank account.

I do hope you’ll put this to good use. I know how easy it is to get distracted by the never ending stream of product launches and “secret techniques”.

Video marketing is evergreen. You can count on this to continue to work well into the future.

Best of luck to you!

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A Guide to Making Money with Fiverr

Microjobs are becoming more popular all the time. If you’re looking to make some extra cash on a schedule that works for you, Fiverr (www.fiverr.com) is a great vehicle to accomplish exactly that. If you already have a service-type business, you can use Fiverr to find more clients.

Fiverr is a website that allows users to sell and purchase services for $5. There are people that actually earn a full-time living from Fiverr alone.

$5 might not sound like a lot, but there are many simple tasks you probably know how to do that only take a few minutes of your time. Perhaps there is something you could even do while watching television on your couch.

Follow this step-by-step plan for earning money with Fiverr:

  1. Look at the services being offered. You’re sure to get some great ideas. Scroll through the offerings and make note of those that you’re capable of performing.
  2. Make a list of the services you’d like to provide. Take some time and brainstorm your own ideas.
  • Blog and article writing
    • Voice-over
    • Blog/website creation
    • Editing
    • Programming
    • Reviewing products
    • Graphics
    • SEO work
    • Think about challenges people have and how you can solve them. A storeowner might like to have a blog, but doesn’t have the slightest idea how to setup WordPress. Someone might want to remove red-eye from a photograph but doesn’t know how to use to necessary software.
  • Keep in mind the time it will take to complete the task. Do you really want to work for $5/hour? It might be worth it if you’re able to turn that client into a long-term client for higher-end services later on. That $5 graphics job might become a $1,000 job after they get a feel for your work.
  • Create your gig. Fiverr offers are referred to as “gigs.” Fiverr has become quite competitive over the last few years. Optimizing your gig is important.
  • Take the time to create a good title. Look at the other gigs and notice the titles that really catch your eye. Attempt to create an even better title.

    • Be bold and include a video. You can describe your offering or even show an example of your work. Video improves your visibility tremendously.
    • Use the tag field effectively. Consider all the terms people could use to locate your services.
  • Promote your gig. This is the real key to Fiverr success. Getting noticed is critical. Take advantage of the various social media platforms to promote your services. Use Facebook and Twitter at a minimum.
  • You can also use blogs, articles, and forums to spread the word.
  • Make use of the Fiverr forums. Fiverr has a very active forum community. One of the best ways to find your first customer is to spend some time on there and comment on the various threads. Many Fiverr service providers are also customers. If people get to know and trust you, you’ll be more likely to get some work.
  • Be thorough. Get all the information you need before getting started with your work. Delivering a custom greeting card with a green theme won’t go over well if your client hates green. There is a messaging system built into Fiverr to foster effective communication.
  • Fiverr prohibits communication outside of their website. This rarely stops the motivated, however. Moving clients away from Fiverr is an effective tactic for providing more expensive services.
  • Be punctual and excellent. Deliver your best work on time. It can be easy to procrastinate without a boss hovering over you. If you become popular, it’s easy to have the jobs stack up quickly. Positive reviews contribute to long-term success.

There’s a lot to like about Fiverr. With a good gig, it’s possible to earn money at an impressive hourly rate. The greatest challenge is getting noticed among all the other service providers. There are plenty of quick tasks that can be performed, but there are a lot of other people offering the same services.

Optimizing your gig is critical. Really spend the necessary time on your title and description. Be sure to include a video to improve your exposure.

With a little work, it’s possible to earn an impressive amount of money in your spare time.

How To Customize a PLR Product 💲 0

How To Customize a PLR Product.

How To Customize a PLR ProductThis is why you need to know How to customize a PLR product, Selling PLR content is one of the easiest and most effective ways to start making money online.
However, it is also true to say that there is no such thing as a completely ‘perfect’ business model. The biggest limitation here is that you will be going up against a lot of competition. You are not only competing with other sellers in the same niche, you are competing with other sellers that have the exact same product as you do!

This can also create problems if someone buys your product and then realizes that they have already bought it elsewhere.

Likewise, you will want to do a little work, just to make your product look like something you would sell. You want to put your brand on it and your name so that your audience feels that you created it. This is important because it means that your product will not only make you money but also further build the brand loyalty that you need to start making big sales through return customers.
With so many people buying the same PLR products, how do you separate yourself and make sure it doesn’t seem like you’re selling the same thing?

Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website

Avoiding Direct Competition

One thing to keep in mind here, is that you can actually sell your product relatively easily without worrying about others finding it. It’s normal to worry that someone is going to stumble upon your product under a different name and you’ll be rumbled, but the reality is that the Internet is a very big place. That is to say, most people will never even come into contact with the other sellers.


This is especially true if you are selling to your own established audience.

customize a PLR productBut one way you can make extra sure of this is to find a different way to position your book and a way to make it appeal to a slightly different audience.

Surprisingly, changing the title of a book can make a huge difference to the way that the content within is interpreted while still keeping it relevant.
For example, let’s say you have a book titled ‘Kitsch Wedding – How to Have the Cutesy, Retro-Themed Wedding of Your Dreams’. This will appeal to a slightly different audience than ‘Trendy Wedding – How to Throw a Modern, Trendy Wedding in Keeping with Today’s Style’.
The thing is, today’s style is quite kitsch, but what you’ve done here is to make the book sound like two different things while still keeping the content that follows relevant.
Likewise, you could turn ‘Eating Right: The Easy Diet That Anyone Can Stick To’, into ‘Diet Explained for Student Dietitians’. The target audience here is completely different for the two books but the topic is the same.
If you’re willing to go a little further and actually edit the content that you’re selling, then you can be more ‘on the nose’. You could turn ‘Diet Advice for Students’ into ‘Diet Advice for Young Athletes’. You’ll need to change some of the wording but that is all – and you completely eliminate the likelihood of people stumbling upon the same content.

BUT, in order to do this, you must read the content! Hopefully you’re a fast reader…

Read The Rest below 


Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website

More Tips one How to Customize an eBook

customize a PLR productIf You Realy want to good in How to customize a PLR product,

Here are Other things you can do to make the ebook uniquely your own include…

Give the product a new title/name
Redesign the cover
Reword the content with your voice/writing style
Read out the content and record it to sell as an audio book, for a YouTube series or for a podcast!
Add content making it more meaty or strip down content to make it to-the-point
Dissect/extract some content to use as blog posts or for your email autoresponder series
We ca Add extra content from other sources and/or write a foreword
Purchase multiple different eBooks and then combine them into one ‘uber’ eBook
Purchase multiple different eBooks and mix and match the chapters (this is something to consider when choosing which eBook to buy – a smartly designed PLR product might well use a more modular construction to allow for this sort of thing)
You canAdd additional images
Alter the formatting to give a unique style
Use the content inside your membership site
Use the eBook to promote other products that you want to sell – even consider adding affiliate links!


Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website




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