Tagged: profitable Affiliate Competitions

What are profitable Affiliate Competitions? 0

Profitable Affiliate Competitions?? One of the easiest ways to make more money in affiliate marketing, while building a recognized name (so that people begin to come to you with additional offers, networking opportunities and future partnerships) is to join as many affiliate challenges and competitions as possible.

profitable Affiliate Competitions

Not only will you make more money but also you’ll be able to claim your share of valuable prizes and rewards while pushing your name out in front of key players.

One of the easiest ways to stay on top of upcoming launches through JVZoo as well as the entire online business arena is to subscribe to Joint Venture (JV) Marketing + Networking Community – a free online community that publishes news and information on upcoming product launches. You should also join the Warrior Forum at The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace paying special attention to the WSO (Warrior Special Offers) section as many products offered through the JVZoo platform are first announced there.

Once you’ve uncovered an affiliate competition that you’re interested in, create a file for the offer that includes all of the affiliate promotional tools and material available.

This may include graphics, ad copy, email copy, blog posts, articles and more.

These were designed to help you build powerful campaigns that will convert, so take advantage of all the creative that are made available to you.

profitable Affiliate Competitions

Next, secure important virtual real estate so that you’re able to swipe traffic from the search engines. This would include a Squidoo URL (HubPages), Blogger.com – Create a unique and beautiful blog. It’s easy and free. and WordPress.com: Create a Free Website or Blog websites and maybe a keyword-based domain name in the event you plan to create full content sites around the products you are promoting.

You can also find affiliate contests directly through JVZoo as well. Here’s an example of a recent competition made available to JVZoo affiliate members: Affiliate Contest! – JVZoo

Make sure to stay subscribed to JVZoo’s newsletter so that you’re given immediate notice of upcoming contests and competitions.

Just the same, you should subscribe to your favorite vendors product and news feed so that you can receive alerts whenever they are ready to roll out a new product or launch an affiliate competition.