Topic: Content Marketing

Content Marketing

How to Create an Irrisistible Offer? 0

If you want to stand out in your market and get those sign ups and sales, while encouraging people to share your information with their friends, family, and social circles, you need to make them an offer they can’t refuse.
Thankfully, this is easy to do. You just need to come up with something that people in your market are eager to get their hands on, and give it to them!

How to Create an Irrisistible Offer

So, think:

  • What are people currently paying for in your niche?
  • What are people asking about?
  • What kind of content does your market want?
  • Find out and then offer them something similar for free.

It’s that easy. If people in your market are actively paying for the same type of product that you are offering for free, they’d be insane not to take you up on your offer. And better yet, they’re going to want to share that offer with other people they know within the market because it makes them look good!

What kind of things could you offer?

A coupon that dramatically reduces the price on a high-ticket item.
You need to make sure that you’re offering a massive discount that stop people in their tracks. If you regularly price a product at $97, consider setting up a coupon that gives it to them for $5.

Low cost, front end products are a great way to get massive amounts of people into your sales funnel where you’re able to sell them on higher-priced products as they move through the sales process.

How to Create an Irrisistible Offer

Plus, it’s a great way to get people’s attention. Everyone loves a great bargain. Just look at sites like Groupon¼ Official Site | Online Shopping Deals and Coupons | Save Up to 70% off and you’ll see how successful coupon and discount sharing networks are.

A contest targeted to your market
Build excitement easily while encouraging people to spread the word by running a short-term contest. You can use software to randomly choose a winner and if you make your gift reward a digital product or e-gift certificate, you won’t have to worry about shipping anything out.

A viral Giveaway
Make everyone a winner! Giveaways are a popular way of generating traffic, reaching new customers and spreading the word about your business. In fact, giveaways are a common marketing tool used in just about every industry online!

Think about it: Authors give books away using sites like Instafreebie, and Internet Marketer’s run giveaways for digital products all the time. And now it’s your turn to take advantage of this powerful tactic to maximize exposure.





Useful Tools

Sell Your Digital Products Here

Make Professionnal Ebooks here

Traffic Sources

How Does the List Building System Works? 0

In List Building, The first thing you absolutely must do if you want to generate leads is to sign up for a service that will allow you to build a database of leads through a web form.

Most people simply use an autoresponder service such as MailChimp, MailerLite, aWeber, or GetResponse, but there are also services that will let you collect, store, manage, and search many different types of information if you need more details from your leads.

If all you need to collect is name and email, which is fine for most online marketing purposes, you can just use a simple autoresponder system.

Here is a list of some of the most popular autoresponder services. Each of these services is widely respected and most have similar features and pricing.

If you’re just getting started, MailChimp and MailerLite have free versions you can use for a while.

The Offer

Once you have chosen your system and set up your initial campaign, it’s time to think about creating your offer, which many people refer to as your “lead magnet”. It’s kind of like fishing, where your leads are the fish, and your lead magnet is the bait that lures them in.

Remember, this offer should appeal directly to your chosen demographic. You can’t expect to catch a catfish with a flashy lure meant for bass. While it’s possible, it’s not likely, and you’d stand a much better chance of catching a catfish with something that is known to appeal to them—such as chicken livers, or earthworms, or stink bait.

Try to think about what might appeal to your target audience. What would they be interested in learning that they don’t already know? What would they be interested in getting a discount on?

Most people create a special report as their lead magnet. It’s usually 10-20 pages, but may be up to 50 or so, depending on how much you want to say. Longer reports are more appropriate when you have a complex subject and aren’t selling information on the topic.

For example, if you’re in real estate and selling houses, you can give away a 50-page guide on how to find the perfect house, including information about stuff like zoning regulations, homeowners’ associations, utilities, road frontage, home inspections, etc.

But if you’re selling a course on SEO, a shorter report, say 20 pages, on a small segment of the topic would be much more appropriate, because you don’t want to give away all your information for free.

lead magnet

You can always outsource the creation of your lead magnet, or purchase a high-quality PLR product that you can use. This will save you a lot of time.

You might also consider just offering a hefty discount coupon to leads, especially if you have a product that is in demand in your niche. This is especially useful if you have a recurring business model or a sales funnel with upsells that will allow you to use the initial sale as a loss leader and make more money on the back end later.

Once you have your lead magnet ready, be sure to add a link to it to your autoresponder service as a follow-up after people opt-in. You don’t want to have to send all those freebies out manually!

Check your autoresponder’s help files to find out how to set up a follow-up email that contains a link to your lead magnet. The process will be slightly different for each service, but it’s not difficult. It’s about as easy as sending an email.

Then it’s time to create the squeeze page to promote it!

The Squeeze Page

Your squeeze page is your lead generation page. This is a web page created specifically to collect information from people and once they do, your autoresponder will direct them to the page where they can download their freebie.

This page should be relatively short. It’s not like a long sales letter. People don’t need that much convincing when something is free, but they do need some. After all, they don’t want to give up their personal contact details unless they really think your lead magnet will benefit them.

For this reason, squeeze pages should have just enough information to entice the reader into taking action. If it’s too long, people will get bored and leave before they opt in!

Generally speaking, a squeeze page should consist of:

  • Headline – This needs to immediately capture their attention and persuade them to continue reading.
  • Sub-headline – This provides a little more information and works as your headline’s supporting agent.
  • Bullet points – Quick, digestible highlights about how your prospect benefits by subscribing to your newsletter, or entering your funnel.
  • A call-to-action – A direct prompt that instructs your prospect how to complete the process of signing up for your free offer.
  • Your lead generation form – usually generated by your autoresponder service or lead generation service with various form fields and a button to submit the information.

You can sign up to a service that provides monthly lead generation packages that include squeeze pages, high quality content that you can send out to your list, and everything else you need to start collecting leads and building your backend system.

Information to Collect

Most people collect only the name and email address of their leads, but you might need more information than that, depending on your niche market, and whether you wish to further segment your lists and identify potential customers through demographic based data.

List Building

The name and address of potential customers is probably enough information for general marketing purposes, but what if you’re selling a higher-end product or service like real estate or legal services, or something that requires one-on-one contact like coaching, you’ll want to begin collecting as much information as possible to help you better connect with potential customers.

In cases like this, it’s probably a better idea to ask for name, address, telephone number, and email. You might even need additional information, such as date of birth (if you’re selling something for adults only, for example) or even more detailed information, such as the breed of dog they own, or their income. You don’t want to ask for too much information—which will just cause people to get frustrated and leave without filling out your form—but you want to get just enough information to make sure they’re qualified.

In other words, what information do you really need to know upfront, and what can you gather later in the selling process?

Once your squeeze page is set up, and you’ve added the lead magnet to your autoresponder service, it’s time to start sending traffic to your squeeze page!


The three previous steps were pretty easy. Even if you create your own lead magnet from scratch, and you need time to learn how to use your autoresponder or CRM, you can complete the other three steps in a few days at most.

You might think traffic is the hardest part, but it’s actually a lot simpler than you think to get traffic! We’re going to take a look at a few of the best strategies for getting traffic, both free and paid.

List Building

Free Traffic

As far as free traffic goes, there’s only one method that’s quick enough to generate traffic starting today, doesn’t have a hefty learning curve, and provides quality traffic that can convert: social media.

Keep in mind that certain markets are more inclined to use certain social networks than others, so it’s important to locate your market and be certain you’re focusing most of your time and energy on those locations. While you can still use other social networks, most of your effort should be focused on those sites that have a higher concentration of your target demographic.

We’re going to look at a few of the most popular social networks, and how you can locate your target demographic on each one in order to find out which one(s) you should concentrate on.


Locating your target demographic on Facebook is relatively simple. Begin by searching for a topic related to your niche and find pages and groups that fit your niche.

For example, if you are offering a dog walking service, you’d want to search for things like groups for pet owners in your city or state. Find out how many people are in those groups, and how many groups there are. This will give you a rough idea of how many people you can reach on Facebook.

Join these groups and participate in them, making sure you follow their rules. If they don’t allow promotions, you’ll need to contact the group administrators and ask for permission to advertise your service. Otherwise, you should be able to pipe in if people happen to ask about dog walking services.

You can also start your own group, which is your best option. This will give you a source of traffic you can turn into leads anytime.

You should also start a Facebook page for your business, and you can even include a link to your squeeze page on your Facebook page.


Pinterest is like an online corkboard. You can have multiple “boards”, and then pin images with links, sort of like bookmarking a page.

You can find out how popular your niche is on Pinterest by performing a search, and then clicking “Boards” to find out how many people have boards related to your niche AND how many followers those boards have.

You can also search pins for the niche and see how many repins each one has. This will let you know how interested people are.

Pinterest has a huge amount of traffic, and it’s relatively easy to access just by following accounts that have some connection to your niche and pinning content related to your niche and using keywords in your board names and descriptions.

You’ll need to have some interesting content to pin, so it’s a good idea to have a blog or website that you use to post content related to your field. For example, you could have a dog care blog for your dog walking service and post useful information for pet owners.

One important thing to note is that Pinterest is heavily imaged-based, so you’ll need good images to pin that relate to your article.

For example, if you’ve posted an article called “5 Tips for Housebreaking Your Puppy”, you’d want to include a photo of a dog being trained, or something related to housebreaking a puppy, and have the title of your article on the image.

If you take a look at Pinterest, you’ll see that most images are taller than they are wide. That’s because they take up the most screen real estate since images are constrained by width, but have much more space to expand lengthwise. Thus, try to make sure your images follow the same format.


Instagram is a great platform for visual content, and you can get a lot of traffic from it, especially if your business is related to fashion, beauty, art, lifestyle, food and cooking, crafts, or other topics that are popular.

You can get a good indication of what’s popular on Instagram by opening the app and clicking the search icon, searching for a term related to your niche, and then clicking “Tags”. This will show you how many posts are currently on the site using that phrase, as well as lots of related phrases.

For example, when I search for “dogs”, I see millions of posts with such hashtags as #dogsofinstagram, #dogs, #dogstagram, and #dogsitting.

You can also click the “People” tab and click some of the top profiles to see how many followers they have. This is another good indicator of interest in your topic.

There are three important steps to getting traffic from Instagram:

1. Fill out your profile and include a link to your website or squeeze page there. Make sure to choose an interesting photo of either yourself or something related to your niche for your profile picture. And include that link because you can’t include links in the descriptions of your individual posts! (Just tell people to check your profile for a link.)

2. Post often. Instagram posts scroll by and are gone quickly if someone is following a lot of profiles, so the best way to get seen is to post as often as possible. Don’t spam! Just a few posts a day is fine, but spread them out every few hours. And don’t forget to add at least 5 relevant hashtags to every post!

3. Follow people who are related to your niche. Many will follow you back, and others will find and follow you from those people’s profiles. It’s a good idea to follow at least 20 new accounts each day, which you can find easily through the search function and referrals from other people. Stick mostly to following accounts related to your niche, because you want qualified leads, not just a high follower count!

Other Social Networks

There are other social networks that can be effective, too, depending on your market. I suggest giving each of these a try to see how they do for your particular market, but you might want to concentrate your efforts on the other sites we’ve talked about earlier in this chapter.

Paid Traffic

I don’t recommend using paid ads until you’ve thrown a good amount of free traffic at your squeeze page for a while and tested conversion rates. If you aren’t getting many leads, you may want to make some tweaks to your squeeze page and/or lead magnet to increase those conversions.

List Building

Once you’re happy with how your page is converting, you can start sending some paid traffic to it.

Let’s look at some of the most effective paid ad platforms. These are generally the most profitable, but they may not work for all niches equally, so be sure to track your conversions carefully, tweak ads as needed, and kill any ads that aren’t performing.

Facebook Ads

Facebook is generally considered one of the best advertising platforms, because ads are typically affordable and convert well. This is mainly because of how well they are able to target ads to the appropriate parties.

Remember when we talked about how important it is to get qualified leads? Facebook is brilliant for that, because they have incredibly advanced targeting options. You can target people based on age, gender, location, marital status
 just about anything you can think of
 PLUS, you can target by interests, shopping habits, and so much more.

Sticking with our example of using a local dog walking business, you can target people in your city, or surrounding cities, AND who are dog owners. You can seriously get THAT specific!

When you create your ad, pay attention to the type of ad you’re creating. The regular newsfeed and mobile newsfeed formats are considered the most profitable.

Keep in mind that the price you pay for your ads on Facebook is heavily based on your CTR (click-thru rate), so it’s important to design the most effective ad possible. If you notice an ad has a low CTR, pause the ad and make changes. Keep tweaking until you find the right combination to bring in qualified leads at a low cost.

Facebook has a great guide to help you get started:


Bing Ads

Bing’s ad platform isn’t nearly as competitive as many others, because they have much less traffic than Google, Facebook, and some other platforms. However, you can still get a lot of traffic at a very low price, because the lower competition means you can actually get more traffic than you could at the more competitive sites because in many instances you could be the only advertiser in a genre.

Bing is a PPC platform just like Google AdWords, so if you’re already familiar with AdWords, you shouldn’t have too much trouble.

Your List Building Funnel 0

Your List Building FunnelThis is How You setup your list building funnel
Get a GetResponse account here
Get High Converting Traffic to your lists building funnels :

Have you been wondering exactly how so many successful marketers are able to create
simple list building funnels and incredibly profitable sales funnels
that generate thousands of dollars.



Make money with PLRMake money with PLRMake money with PLR

your first list building funnels:
The reality is, if you want to maximize your income so you can squeeze every possible dollar from your product launches,
you absolutely need to master the art of creating your free list building funnels and high-converting sales funnels.

And here’s a fun fact: it’s easier than you may think. I Mean to create your list building funnel In This Video You Will learn how to create your first list building funnel.

Because a well-constructed list building funnel or sales funnel that’s based on proven techniques can take a simple product launch and retain the momentum weeks, even months after the launch.

Are you ready to learn how to use your list building funnel that maximize your income?

Overview of a Successful simple list building funnel:

A sales funnel or an easy list building funnel moves leads through a sales process until they make a final purchase.

It introduces people to your brand who may not already be familiar with it and puts you in a position of connecting with your target audience.

It also amplifies a typical marketing strategy so that you’re able to maximize profits and build your tribe.
And it extends the life of a product launch.

The key is to create your list building funnel or sales funnel that makes sense to your target audience.
Don’t overlook the importance of this because not every niche or industry responds the same way to a free list building funnel or sales funnel.
It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach!

best list building funnel also helps to qualify traffic. It separates the action-takers from the tire-kickers.
It works to create awareness of your brand, and to test out different price strategies to find the sweet spot.

In other words, it serves multiple purposes beyond the profitability of the offer itself.

your list building funnel’s objective is to move traffic, and then convert that traffic along the way.
You’re inviting people into your list building funnels in order to connect with potential customers
and provide them with various options so that you’re more likely to get the sale.

Even simple list building funnel or sales funnels that feature a single front-end product are designed to showcase other backend offers throughout the process.

The one thing that many people overlook is that your funnel doesn’t have to begin with a sale.
In fact, you should look at the top of your funnel as the exploratory stage,
where customers are first introduced to your brand and are looking for reasons to buy from you.

This means that your funnel may not begin on a sales page at all.
It could start by funneling traffic into a mailing list in order to build your subscriber base and connect with your audience.

Your funnel may start with a blog that features high-quality content and later encourages readers to become part of a Facebook group,
a masterclass, a newsletter or a free course.

It doesn’t matter where or how your free list building funnels begins.
The important thing to keep in mind is that the top of your funnel has one main goal:
to raise awareness of your brand and to connect with potential customers.

Your funnel’s entry point (or top of the funnel) can be created in many ways, depending on your overall objective.
So, to start, think about what you hope to accomplish.

👉  how to setup a list building funnels :

Do you want to build a mailing list of people who are interested in your niche so that you can introduce them to new offers?

👉  create your  funnels :

Are you looking to start selling right away by creating a traditional sales funnel that begins with a low-cost front end product?

👉  promote your first funnels :

Do you want to gather important information from prospects through lead magnets,
free trials, or free products before introducing them to paid offers?


  • -Prepare for your list building TOOLS and pages,
    -Learn how to Create and setup your first list building funnels the easy way,
    -in this tuitorial you learn how to create your first list building funnels,
    -Optimize your list building funnels,
    -It is very important to know how to use your list building process and tools,

a simple list building funnel is not very hard to setup, just follow the steps in this video

The best list building strategy is the simple funnel that converts,


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Easy Sales Funnels 0

Sales FunnelEasy Sales Funnels
Think sales funnels are complicated? Think again!

Brought to you by

Sales funnels are not new. They have been about since long before the internet
was even heard of (the term sales ‘funnel’ was first coined in 1924). It’s just
that as consumers we don’t generally have any reason to know the term.
Chances are, you never even heard of a ‘sales funnel’ until you got involved in the online marketing world. Maybe you still aren’t clear what a sales funnel is.

(If that includes you, don’t worry, we’ll cover this soon).
But one thing is certain – effective sales funnels are ESSENTIAL if you want to make a decent living online.

You might not know it, but you go through sales funnels every day in life.
The layout of your local grocery store is not random – every item there is strategically placed to encourage you to add more and more to your basket as you walk round the store. The layout, the pricing, the special offers, everything is part of a sales funnel designed to make you buy more.
Think of McDonalds. ‘Would you like fries with that?’ is an upsell, part of a sales funnel.
Amazon are masters of the sales funnel. ‘Customers who bought this item also bought’ and ‘Frequently bought together’ on the checkout page are part of their sales funnel. All the follow up emails you get after making a purchase? Part of the sales funnel.

So what exactly is a sales funnel?
Quite simply, a sales funnel is a series of offers that are presented to the
prospect/customer. These offers can be cross sells (fries with your burger, or an
extended warranty for your new TV), but often tend to increase in both price and
value (also known as an upsell).
The idea is that as someone goes through the sales funnel they become more
and more engaged and spend more and more money. It is with these ‘high
priced ‘backend’ offers that the real money is made –one $4997 coaching client
is worth a lot of $7 front end customers.
A typical online sales funnel works like
At the ‘front-end’ is a free product to capture people’s interest.

In order to grab the free product people have to sign-up and hand over their
email address – and in turn they are added to an email list/database of

After the person is added to the list, they can then be sent other related offers
that they might be interested in.
Immediately after signing up for the free product the prospect will typically be
presented with a low priced offer (called an ‘upsell’ or ‘one time offer’).
Here they’re moving into the ‘back-end’ of the funnel.
If they buy this low priced offer then they will then be offered another related
product at a higher price.
If the person buys the higher product they are then offered another product at
an even higher price. … and so on.

sales funnels

As the price of the products increases, so does the value being offered.
For example, the free and low-priced upsell product might be a short 30-40 page
report or eBook…
By the 3rd or 4th upsell they might then be offered a personal coaching program
or ‘done for you’ service charged at $497 a month.
Remember, as people go through the sales funnel they become more and more
engaged and spend more and more money.

“Your ability to set up an effective sales funnel will determine your online success.”

A lot of people who try to make money online have no idea how to set up an
effective sales funnel. They just choose an affiliate offer and more often than not
send traffic with the hope to make a few sales.
While they will get a few sales if they are sending good traffic, such a business
model won’t last because as soon as the traffic stops the income will also dry up.
Most people don’t buy first time. There is something called ‘The Marketing Rule
of Seven’ – your average prospective buyer needs to hear or see your marketing
message at least seven times before they buy from you.

Whether it’s really 7, or 77, or whatever is irrelevant – the point is you have to
be able to show your offer to the same person more than once. So if you have
no system in place to capture those leads you are leaving a whole lot of money
on the table.
So Here’s What You Need To Do

1. Offer A Bribe (FREE OFFER) so that people will sign up to your list
The trick to this is that no one will be presented with a paid offer until they have
signed up to your email list. If you are worried that you may miss sales by doing
this, worry not – experience has proven that this is wrong.
The truth of the matter is that those would would buy right away will still be able
to do so because as soon as they optin to your lead capture page, they will be
redirected to the paid offer where they can then buy the product. At the same
time you can also follow up with people who would not buy to build a
relationship with them via your newsletter which will convert them into buyers.

2. The Your First Product In Your Sales Funnel Should Be A Low Priced
Product It is important to note that this first entry product is not where you’ll make most
of your from. As a matter of fact, depending on how you drive traffic, you may
be at a loss even after making several sales of this product.
However, this product is to separate your buyers from your freebie seekers. So
the methodology that should be in place is that once someone purchase a
product, he/she will automatically be removed from your free list onto your
customers list. A low entry product can be anywhere from $7 to $27.

3. Have An Effective Backend With High Priced Upsells For the really successful marketers, the bulk of their income comes from the
backend product. This is where your previous customers will get to upgrade and purchase higher priced products in your sales funnel.
You can have several different priced products in your funnel. In order for your customers to see the higher priced products they must first buy the lower entry ones.

So the funnel with look something like this:
By simply linking to a product without capturing leads, you are just doing hit and
miss marketing. If you are also paying for traffic, you will find it very hard (if not
impossible) to turn a profit.

With an effective sales funnel, you can happily spend on traffic because you
have a good back end in place, so you know that every $1 spent will bring in
more than $1 in return. Once you have this, the sky really is the limit – all you
have to do is scale.

This covers the basics of what can be done with a sales funnel. This is not
advanced, yet 95% of marketers do NOT even have a tenth of this in place.
If you are one of them, make a concentrated effort to focus on the #1 growth
driver in your business – your sales funnel. Quite simply, an effective sales
funnel will change your online business forever.
Want Advanced Sales Funnel Training? Click Here Now


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